Vittetoe Chaff Spreader Information, Pricing & Diagrams
Part Number: WEB-CHAFF
Item: Vittetoe Chaff Spreader Information, Pricing & Diagrams
Price: Please call 641-636-2259
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Additional Information
Chaff Spreaders to Fit All Brands of Combines
The Vittetoe Chaff Spreader is an important tool in no till, ridge till and minimum till farming, it promotes even temperature and moisture in the ground. In today's world farmers need every advantage they can get, a farmer cannot risk ruining seed germination and weed control performance on something as simple as chaff distribution.
The Vittetoe Chaff Spreader features solid metal discs, blades and shields that can withstand the roughest field conditions. The variable speed, flow control along with adjustable shields lets every farmer tailor their Vittetoe Chaff Spreader to his individual field.
Vittetoe has been manufacturing top quality products for over 30 years and the Vittetoe Chaff Spreader comes with an unconditional satisfaction warranty.
Benefits of a VITTETOE Chaff Spreader:
- Eliminates residue problems
- All ground evenly covered
- Necessary for no-till
- Ready for one pass spring tillage
- Creates even temperature and moisture in the ground
- Helps meet SCS compliance
- Even distribution in all crops
- Better use of chemical for weed control
- Can be shipped U.P.S.
- Hydraulic powered
- Spreads the chaff that never reaches the spreader or chopper
- Variable speed control
- Works for all crops
- Spreads evenly each way
- Installs quickly and easily
- Shipping weight approximately 300 lbs.
- Sold thru your implement dealer
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